Timesheets – recording expenses on staff

Timesheets form the second section of AdminProject’s financial module. Previously we were talking about travel reports, now it is time to show you how to log the money spent on people’s work. We have already mentioned how important reporting is for European projects and how strenuous it may be. To cope with that we have simplified the process and make it as user-friendly as possible. See how to generate your timesheets in just a couple of minutes.

Dissemination – module overview

Dissemination is always one of the fundamental elements of every European project. The EU governing bodies would like individuals and organisations concerned be reached efficiently, informed about the progress and its results. Dissemination are actually informational campaigns within the project and a designated module within AdminProject will help you record when they were done, who was the recipient and what was the method used. Here is our short guide to the Dissemination module.

Travel Reports – unique feature overview

There is no shortage of various systems on the market, which fall below the “Project management” header. Some are very expensive, some are free, with lots and lots in the middle. The trouble is, most of them are very generic and probably none of them is actually very good when it comes to managing European projects, which happen to be pretty specific. A very specific aspect of EU Projects is reporting. There is always more than you’d think is enough and … Continued

Work Packages module overview

Every European Project is divided into smaller pieces of work called Work Packages (WP), they sometimes are written as one word. They represent specific blocks of work and each WP needs deliverables or results – an effect or outcome of a particular WP. AdminProject has specific module which allows you to define all your WP “belongings” – like deliverables, milestones and tasks (read about them here) needed to achieve WP goals. Let us guide you through the basics of WPs.

How to use Tasks?

Project design provides a wide scope of what needs to be achieved, when and how. When it comes to actual action, everything can be broken down to simple organic activities that are represented in AdminProject by Tasks. What follows is a simple walkthrough on how to use tasks.

Quick-start guide – Project Setup

You’ve just signed up, have a project to run and probably wondering where to start. Let us give you a few hints on how to transfer your project details to AdminProject and make it ready to launch.

AdminProject 2.0 – What’s new?

It’s now been almost a year since we had launched our first version of AdminProject. Having received lots of feedback from many users and by using it for our company as well, we felt that something was amiss, that we can do better than this. Such conclusion led us to where we are now, to the new version of AdminProject. What’s new in AdminProject 2.0 then? Long story short – EVERYTHING.

AdminProject is online!

We are proud to let you know that after intensive development works, the new version of AdminProject is online! It was a huge challenge to all of us at Danmar Computers. We’ve learned our lesson by talking to you and taking your invaluable comments and opinions into account. We have to admit, that we couldn’t be in this place where we are today without your help.

30-day trial for starters

Everyone is eligible for a 30-day trial before purchasing a subscription is necessary. With that, you will be able to use application’s full functionality and have access to support if any questions or problems arise. When the trial period is over you can either purchase your subscription or leave your account as it is. The functionality will be of a Standard AP account, which should help you run one or two projects, register all project related personnel and start working … Continued

Manage your Finance

We have just added two new functions to the financial section of your project management. Timesheets allow you to manage your personnel costs, assign them to work packages and monitor their activities.