Soft-delete functionality: security & flexibility

Two days ago you had a chance to read a bit on how the Files module changed to make things easier. If you’ve missed that part, check it here. We promised to follow up with more on soft-delete functionality. If you’ve been waiting to see what is it all about, this post will clarify this feature. Ready to get started? Go! Soft-delete – what’s that? Everyone knows and occasionally uses Recycle Bin on a Windows or Mac machine. We all take it … Continued

Files module just got easier!

What’s up, hard working EU-projects managers? As you remember from our latest post on hot new features, we promised to follow up with more detailed explanations on new functionalities. In this post, we’ll try to focus on Files module. As the title suggests, managing files in your project just got easier, and we’re happy to share a few bits of information with you. We’ve received a number of suggestions on how to make Files module more user-friendly. Honestly, we were … Continued

Hot new features available!

New features are just like croissants. It would be good to have them everyday, wouldn’t it? This deep thought can possibly come from non-French Europeans 🙂 Our last post is dated almost one month ago. Honestly, we’re not proud of it at all. We’ve been working days and nights to bring you cool new features to AdminProject. Now is the time to share with you some highlights of what’s been changed. We’re excited to let you know, that we addressed mostly these areas, … Continued

The POODLE vulnerability and AdminProject

It was published on Twitter and Google+ already few days back, that we changed some background mechanisms which are responsible for encrypting everything that goes in or out with AdminProject. The problem was discovered by Google team and published on October 14th on the Security Blog.  Basically here’s what the trouble is: SSL (Secure Socket Layer) is a security mechanism used for years by many pages. Every SSL-enabled page establishes an encrypted tunnel between your browser and the server, so even … Continued

Customising your project workspace

Erasmus+ projects come in diverse forms, as we all know. Some of them have Intellectual Outputs, some don’t. The same applies to Learning / Teaching / Training Activities. The list goes on with various Multiplier Events and others. Moreover, centralised projects are structured differently, since they still use Work Packages. This variety gave us a lot to think on. It was virtually impossible to devise one, good-for-all workspace, that is clear and usable for all type of projects. Instead, a (brilliant) … Continued

Erasmus+ in AdminProject – online!

It is time to start your Erasmus+ project – and we are happy to announce that AdminProject has all what is needed. We were working hard in the last couple of weeks to develop modules which are necessary and specific for the new programme. The biggest changes include: Intellectual Outputs module, together with Activities, Learning, Teaching and Training Activities, Multiplier Events, with Activities as well, standalone Activities, useful in KA1 projects, together with flows. The new set of modules will … Continued

AdminProject is getting ready for Erasmus+ projects

Several newly developed modules for Erasmus+ projects. Erasmus+ applications had been submitted by the end of April and some of them are already being approved for financing by your National Agencies. Because the beginning of September is coming soon, and most of the projects are going to launch right from the first day, we want to be ready. We are currently in the final stages of testing new modules and they will be available for you from the 1st September.  … Continued

Export all timesheets!

There’s been some time since our last post. Mainly because most of the changes and fixes aren’t really much visible to end-users. There is one thought that has surfaced just now and it streamlines the Timesheet export function Before, you had to export the timesheets for each month separately. Now, you can export all timesheets for a given staff member, or only those you need on a single document, with just a few clicks.

Spring Update

The weather has already been introducing spring updates. The cold days are gone and warmth is taking their place. We can’t say our developers woke up from the winter nap, because they were working the whole time to make AdminProject better. The recent addition was already presented in two previous posts: Free Erasmus+ proposal builder tool and Is it really free? Of course it is. Though the deadline for KA2 proposal has already passed the builder may become useful again in the following months … Continued