There’s been some time since our last post. Mainly because most of the changes and fixes aren’t really much visible to end-users. There is one thought that has surfaced just now and it streamlines the Timesheet export function
Before, you had to export the timesheets for each month separately. Now, you can export all timesheets for a given staff member, or only those you need on a single document, with just a few clicks.
Each employee timesheet list now includes checkboxes. Select those you need, or simply select all and an export button will appear right below the list.
The document is in .docx format and is based on your project’s template, so make sure it has been uploaded if you want to include appropriate headers relevant for the project.
The list on the document includes all activities registered on selected timesheets, the dates of the activities, the workpackages they belong to and the time they took to complete.
Workload Summary
We’ve also added a small tweak to check my timesheets option. Now, there is a total number of working days across all projects in a given month. Workload should be easier to track with this little change.
We hope that these slight improvements will be useful. Stay tuned for more.