Every European Project is divided into smaller pieces of work called Work Packages (WP), they sometimes are written as one word. They represent specific blocks of work and each WP needs deliverables or results – an effect or outcome of a particular WP. AdminProject has specific module which allows you to define all your WP “belongings” – like deliverables, milestones and tasks (read about them here) needed to achieve WP goals. Let us guide you through the basics of WPs.
Depending on the project, you can have different number of WPs with different number of deliverables and various timelines. It is a good idea to fill that in at the beginning of the project. To start working with Work Packages, head to Tools tab and then click Work packages button. This will bring up this screen:
It is pretty much self-explanatory, but it is a good practice to have a Work Package name start with WP and number. This later helps to create a WP acronym, short name which is later used in other modules. This acronym will appear in various reports, e.g. time sheets so it is important to define it correctly – for example as WP1, WP2, etc. Other fields which are needed are dates and a bit of description.
After you click Save, you’ll be presented with a summary window. Your WP is defined, but not complete yet, since it needs deliverables and milestones to be filled in. Milestones are not always used, but deliverables (or results) are, and will be, beneficial later so it is good to have them defined. Just click Add a new deliverable on the right sidebar.
As usual, you need to type in the name, the deadline – meaning when it has be to done and a description. Very similar window will appear when defining a new milestone. Both of those will be visible in your calendar.
Defining those items takes only a moment, but will help you track your project’s progress and quickly find out what should be available and when, as opposed to scrolling through the project proposal.